I thought that I would do better at blogging than I have done. : ) I should have known that it was going to turn out this way! Anyway, here is an update on our family: The kids are all doing well. Collin had his first sleepover at Carson's house. He had the best time. Corbin is still the funny kid that throws a temper tantrum whenever he doesn't get his way. He has become my little buddy that we do everything together. Conner is also my little buddy but not by his choice. He HAS to go with me all the time. He would actually just go with anyone that says, "You want to go bye, bye?" Actually his fear of people is getting less and less. He goes to nursery for the first time today, so we will see how that goes. Caitlin did so well in her piano recital. She was cool, calm, and collected and I am just so proud of her. Performing never has scared her and she gets that from me. So the piano recital was mine, because I am the piano teacher! It went so well for all the kids. It turned out a lot better than I had planned. It has been really fun to teach piano! Michael is still working ever so hard at his job and is such a great husband. I love him so much! Well that is my update and I will try to get on here and post some pictures. I just have to have Michael teach me how to upload them on our computer. Someday I will advance to the 21st Century.