School : )
Just the sound of this word makes me smile. I know that I must be the worst mom in the world because I dread when summer comes, but I love it when school comes around. I just get really tired of hearing that the kids are bored and that we have no schedule whatsoever. I love getting back into the swing of things and the kids are learning something. : )
This year Caitlin started 7th grade. We went to the school a couple of times to work on opening her locker and getting used to her class schedule. She had the toughest time with her locker. She could open it once and then couldn't open it again for like 20 to 30 times. I was really stressed. She was really stressed and so there were some tears. I was just really worried that she was going to have this awful experience and be lost and not know what to do. The day before school actually started, they let all the 7th graders go for about 3 hours to learn the layout of the school and open lockers and such. She did fantastic and it was probably because I wasn't there with her stressing her out. : ) Her first day was great and I hope she has a really good time in Jr. High. I hated it myself. I have tried to forget those awful years.
She was really happy to finally get the first day over with.
By the way, last year in 6th grade, she received the TERRIFIC kid award from the Kiwanis club. They chose one boy and one girl from each 6th grade class and Caitlin was chosen from her class. She really is a terrific kid and I will miss her because she is such a great help to me.

Collin started 4th grade, and football. I am really excited about football. I never was a fan of football until Collin started playing last year. I have become somewhat of a competitive Mom which is annoying to me sometimes. I know that Collin can do really great things in football, but sometimes he is lazy and doesn't try. It frustrates me. This year we decided to keep him in the 3/4 grade division instead of bumping him up to 5th grade with his team from last year. I really thought that his coach last year was really good for him because he pushed really hard and got them to perform, which is why they went undefeated last year. Coach was a huge yeller which bugged me, but we did see results. So I thought that keeping him in the same division with a different coach was a huge mistake. When I went to the first meeting the new coach told us that he wasn't going to do conditioning, running, push ups and very little contact. I was floored! Why wouldn't you do those things in tackle football? The kids aren't going to learn anything and they are going to get killed by the other teams. After much venting to Michael, we decided just to try it out and see how it goes. I joked that the old coach spit fire and this new coach poops rainbows because the first practice was so happy and carefree. I was like is this football or a dance camp? The next practice was much better. He is really teaching them the fundamentals (which Collin didn't really get last year because most of the team had already played a year and knew all of that stuff) and Collin is learning so much and having a ton of fun as well. He never complains about going to practice and because he is basically the only one on the team that played last year he knows what he is doing and he gets a lot of play time. Enough of that, I just can't wait until games begin!

Collin with Mrs. Gregory. She seems so nice and Collin really likes her so far.
Corbin is starting 2nd grade and is really growing into his own. He still throws a temper every now and again and we even thought of starting him in football this year so that he can take his anger out onto the field, but he just isn't ready yet. He has a real issue with winning and losing and when things don't go his way he just sits down where he is at and pouts. I didn't want him doing that on the football field in front of his teammates and coaches. So I told him that if he worked on good sportsman like behavior this year that he could play next year. We are going to put him into basketball this fall though, he really needs something to do. Corbin absolutely LOVES Colby. He is so sad when Colby is not awake to say goodbye before he goes to school and runs in and kisses him when he gets home first thing. What a great big brother he is!
Corbin with Mrs. Condie. She really is cute as can be and he really likes her!
Conner starts Kindergarten next week and I will post about his first day then. He is bored as can be without his brothers and doesn't know what to do with himself. Which is weird because he has never had a problem with entertaining himself. He is such a cute boy and I have been overly concerned with him going to Kindergarten because he never wants to be away from me. When we went to meet his teacher he really thought she was nice and said he can't wait to go. We will see. I hope there will be no tears...
Just a cute picture of my redhead! Love this boy!
Colby is still Colby. That boy doesn't really grow fast. We just took him in for his 9 month visit and he is 18 lbs in the 10% for weight still. I feed him like crazy and he just doesn't put on the pounds. He has a really fast burning metabolism. He is 27 inches tall in the 75% for height so he is tall and skinny. He is just about to walk. He has taken a few steps without support but will sit down immediately when he realizes he has nothing to hold onto. We are working on it. No teeth yet either but he is a pro at gumming things down. He brings a lot of spunk to our household. He is really hyper sometimes and does the cutest things. He loves to smile and play chase, and he loves to play with any type of ball.
This picture is a little old, he is not as chunky anymore. I have great pictures but they are all on my phone and as soon as I can figure out how to get them on here, this is all I've got.
Colby with his new baby cousin Kyson. He was very cute with him.
Michael and I are doing great. Some things might be changing in our lives soon, hopefully for the better. I will keep you posted, hopefully. I need to do better about this blogging thing. : )