Hello, all! I am such a slacker and I just get really overwhelmed at the thought of everything that I need to blog about that I just put it off until it has been 7 months since my last post and boy you better believe a lot has happened.
First off, we had our cute baby boy COLBY JAMES KENNEDY on Nov. 7th @ 3:23 pm. He came by C-section because of complications. Needless to say I am very happy to be alive and have a very healthy baby. I believe that Michael is happy with the outcome as well. I couldn't imagine him having to raise 5 kids on his own. : ) Colby was a complete peanut weighing in at only 6 lbs. 13 oz. I have never had a kid this small and it was quite foreign to me. No worries though, at his 2 month check in, he gained 5 pounds and now is 11 lbs. 11 oz. I love it! He is starting to get really chunky with fat rolls and all.
Colby James Kennedy
On to other news:
We had a great Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Time totally flew by. I feel like I am a new Mom all over again and I have forgotten what it feels like to have a newborn. The exhaustion has taken over and I feel like I am in robot mode. There is so much I want to get done everyday, but when I sit down to feed little Colby, I fall asleep and wake up feeling even more exhausted! I keep telling myself that someday it will get better and to just hang in there until then.
Caitlin got her ears pierced as one of her presents for Christmas. She was nervous and a little excited. I was going to wait until she was 12 but she had been talking about it for a few months so I caved and let her do it 6 months early. She has taken good care of her ears. We thought that they were infected at one point but she kept up on the antiseptic and pulled through. I know that you all think that I am crazy for waiting so long, but I wanted this to be her choice and I wanted her to be ready to take care of it herself.
Caitlin right before her ear piercing

After they were done and she still has a smile on her face. I was totally proud of her because she gets scared about everything and thought that maybe she was going to have a melt down at the mall but she didn't even shed one tear.
I love this girl! She is just about the sweetest thing and has totally matured over the past 2 years. She is such a great helper. Most of the time she just takes over for me with the baby when I have WAY too much stuff to do and she never complains.....ok sometimes she complains but it is way better than it used to be. She is just so grown up. It really does go by so fast!
We had some family pictures taken when we were in Mesquite over New years weekend. I am totally huge, but I have to remember that I just had a baby 2 months ago and I never get back into shape for at least a year. I hope that I can look better in about 6 months if I work really hard. Goodbye sugar, we had a nice run there for a while!
This one I think is somewhat the best
What a handsome group we are. I can't believe how big my boys are getting either! They are so much fun, I love them all to pieces!
I guess that is enough for now, because little Colby just woke up from his nap and he is NOT happy about it. I am really going to try to keep up on this blog, I know that I say that every 6 months but it is one of my new years resolutions so hopefully I won't let myself down. : )
Just one more of the newest cutie to join our family
We are just totally in LOVE with this little guy!
First off, we had our cute baby boy COLBY JAMES KENNEDY on Nov. 7th @ 3:23 pm. He came by C-section because of complications. Needless to say I am very happy to be alive and have a very healthy baby. I believe that Michael is happy with the outcome as well. I couldn't imagine him having to raise 5 kids on his own. : ) Colby was a complete peanut weighing in at only 6 lbs. 13 oz. I have never had a kid this small and it was quite foreign to me. No worries though, at his 2 month check in, he gained 5 pounds and now is 11 lbs. 11 oz. I love it! He is starting to get really chunky with fat rolls and all.

On to other news:
We had a great Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. Time totally flew by. I feel like I am a new Mom all over again and I have forgotten what it feels like to have a newborn. The exhaustion has taken over and I feel like I am in robot mode. There is so much I want to get done everyday, but when I sit down to feed little Colby, I fall asleep and wake up feeling even more exhausted! I keep telling myself that someday it will get better and to just hang in there until then.
Caitlin got her ears pierced as one of her presents for Christmas. She was nervous and a little excited. I was going to wait until she was 12 but she had been talking about it for a few months so I caved and let her do it 6 months early. She has taken good care of her ears. We thought that they were infected at one point but she kept up on the antiseptic and pulled through. I know that you all think that I am crazy for waiting so long, but I wanted this to be her choice and I wanted her to be ready to take care of it herself.

I love this girl! She is just about the sweetest thing and has totally matured over the past 2 years. She is such a great helper. Most of the time she just takes over for me with the baby when I have WAY too much stuff to do and she never complains.....ok sometimes she complains but it is way better than it used to be. She is just so grown up. It really does go by so fast!
We had some family pictures taken when we were in Mesquite over New years weekend. I am totally huge, but I have to remember that I just had a baby 2 months ago and I never get back into shape for at least a year. I hope that I can look better in about 6 months if I work really hard. Goodbye sugar, we had a nice run there for a while!
This one I think is somewhat the best

I guess that is enough for now, because little Colby just woke up from his nap and he is NOT happy about it. I am really going to try to keep up on this blog, I know that I say that every 6 months but it is one of my new years resolutions so hopefully I won't let myself down. : )
Just one more of the newest cutie to join our family

He is SO cute!!! Your kids are getting so big!!
So happy to get an update from you! So happy you are alive, it sounded scary and your baby is so so cute! My little nephew's name is Colby James isn't that funny! So I am a fan of the name as well. We miss your cute little family around here!
I love that last picture of Colby, so freakin' cute! That smile is just perfect.
Little Colby is so sweet. I am glad I got to see you even if it was brief! Your family is just growing and growing!
Love to you!
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