Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Easter and Conner's 2nd Birthday

I just can't get a hang of this blogging thing. I think that the reason I never post anything is because I am a little intimidated by my blog. Let me explain. This is the second time that I am posting the exact same thing, because the first time I couldn't figure out how to get what I wanted on here, on here. Do you get me? It is so frustrating to have to keep doing it twice or even more than that. Is there anyone out there that would be willing to give me lessons on blogging? I know that I am pathetic but really I just dread having to post anything on here. It takes me so freakin' long!! I guess that if I posted more, than I would eventually get the hang of it, who knows. Anyway I hope that it works this time. Here are some pictures of the kids at Easter and Conner's 2nd Birthday.

1 comment:

Toshia said...

I told you I would help you!! We need to have a blogger/playdate. What is your schedule next week? Call me!!