Thursday, April 1, 2010

Potty Training

I am going to shock you with doing 2 posts in the same week!! How great is that, I am even amazed myself.
Little Conner said to me last night after his bath that he didn't want to wear a diaper anymore, he wanted to wear underwear like Kiler....his cousin 4 months older than him who has been potty trained for quite some time now........I was amazed and shocked! The last time that we tried to put underwear on him he threw the biggest fit and kept trying to rip them off his body. So I thought that I would humor him and see if he really meant what he said. I put underwear on him and he went in the potty twice last night.....he slept in his underwear all night long and woke up dry.... and went in the potty this morning....had one accident before we took him over to grandmas, but what can I expect, he can't be perfect coming straight out of the gate....he went potty at grandmas before I left to go to work and no word yet on how he is doing. I am really kind of nervous to call and find out. We left Grandma with 3 outfits to change into and 5 pairs of underwear and 1 diaper. Keep your fingers crossed that all this will work out. We are just about out of diapers and I don't want to have to buy more! Wouldn't it just be so nice if he would be potty trained before his 3rd birthday, which is in 17 days???!!!


JenniSue said...

That is so cool, he is finally interested in going to the "big potty". I wish you luck, hopefully things keep going smoothly!

Marcus n McKenzie said...

Yay! He finally wants to grow up and not be the baby! That's good news for you. I hope it sticks.

I am amazed at 2 posts in 1 week. I like reading about you guys... Because you know, we live SO far away. Sorry I'm a bad sister-in-law and never visit.

Toshia said...

I am excited for you!! I hope the potty success continues!

I am also excited to read your blog again!! I hope everything works out quickly with Michaels job and your family!!