Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I decided that I should do a Halloween post just to let you know that we actually celebrated it this year. Honestly.....I am such a halloween bahhumbugger. I don't know what happened to me along the way in life. I used to like it, but now I just see it as a huge expense with 4 kids. Costumes, candy, decorations, it is just expensive and I don't really see the need for it. (Gasp!..did I just really admit that?? well, it's true so if you don't want to be my friend anymore I would totally understand. : ) )

Here is how we celebrated:

Caitlin was a cute witch. Collin was a construction worker. Corbin was a Doctor. Conner was Ironman. They were all dressed so cute and I went to grab my camera.....I actually remembered it this time....only to my dismay to find it broken by the kids. They had used it one night to have a "photo shoot" ....and I use that term loosely...and they somehow broke it and didn't say anything. I was mad, but what do you do? At least I have an excuse to go get a nicer more updated one. It will have to wait until Christmas.

We went to our ward trunk or treat only it was raining outside so we had it in the church cultural hall. It was very simple and we were in and out in under an hour. Then we traveled to Pleasant Grove to celebrate Halloween and my sister in law Sarah's birthday. We first went to my in laws ward trunk or treat only to be rained on some more and then hurried to their house for some soup and chili. The rain finally stopped and the kids went trick or treating in the neighborhood for about an hour. Let's just say they hauled the candy in! We will be eating halloween candy for a few months. (Since I am in confession.....I hate halloween candy as well. My kids do not need another excuse to eat candy, they get enough already. Needless to say, the candy is now hidden and won't be discovered for a very long time. I'm sure that I will forget about it and I will find it sometime next year.)

We had a great time with family and I am glad that it is over!! Next, Thanksgiving, and I totally LOVE that. I am not being sarcastic at all. I really do love Thanksgiving and Christmas. It just seems more family friendly. ; )

I hope that everyone had a fun Halloween.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Those of you who have seen or spent anytime with me over the past 3 months can attest to the fact that I was really going crazy. Don't try to deny it, I have graciously accepted it and so should you. : ) We have just been on such a crazy ride. A good, but crazy ride. We are now moved to Spanish Fork and we are all together again. I feel like we have been led here. That probably sounds crazy as well, but I really don't care. Certain things have happened to us in the past 3 months and if we had not made the decisions that we made, I don't know where we would be. Heavenly Father has a plan for us. I have probably prayed more in the past few months than in the past 5 years. I was really hoping that Heavenly Father would answer my prayers, but I wasn't really expecting them to be answered. Let me explain....I am a firm believer that you make decisions and then pray about them to see if you get a good feeling like it was the right decision. We made the decision to take the job in Utah County and prayed about it and got good feelings, almost like duh, this is a no brainer decision. Ever since that answer came, everything has just been so laid out for us, almost too easy and I have been waiting for something bad to happen because nothing in my life has ever gone this smoothly. I am always expecting some significant answer. Some sort of epiphany that makes me understand "the plan" right then and there. Well, of course that never has happened to me and so I just figured that my prayers are not ever really answered....until now. I never had the epiphany, just had faith that we made the right decision and decided that I was just going to go with the flow and see how things unfolded. The blessings that I have seen have been amazing! I can't go into a lot of detail because this post would be 3 times longer than it is now. I have such a strong testimony of prayer! I was hoping that the whole families prayers were answered so that the kids could experience the love that our Father in Heaven has for each of us and they were! What a great teaching moment for me and the kids!

I am so grateful for my blessings. I especially want to thank ALL of my wonderful Mesquite friends and family. You were so key to helping me keep my life together. So much of an outpouring of love from you made the days better. I couldn't have done it without you. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!! I will miss you all dearly and I will miss the wonderful Mesquite winter weather. I will however be so very grateful come summer. : ) I haven't met anyone here yet, but had a wonderful unexpected visit from Dave and Sharie Petersen last night. I was feeling a little down in the dumps yesterday and then was overcome with happiness when I saw Dave and Sharie standing outside the front door. Thank you for coming to say Hi. It was so good to see familiar and friendly faces. I know that this is where we are supposed to be and I have learned many lessons and I am still learning more. I am grateful for the tender mercies from my Father in Heaven. Now I get to continue the ride and see what else comes around the corner. Hopefully it will continue to be good. Thanks again and I love you all!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What did we get ourselves into??

I am sitting here at my parents dining room table updating my blog at 7:50 in the morning because I am trying to keep busy to keep my mind off of what just happened. I just said my goodbye's to my hubby because he started his new job today and I have to travel home with the kids all by myself and try to find peace in being a single mom for a few months. For those of you who don't know, Michael accepted a job up here in Draper UT for Wadsworth construction. For a long time now, he has been working without getting paid on a regular basis. It has taken a toll on our bank account and we have been struggling to make ends meet. We prayed for a way for the situation to be changed and then one day this job fell into our laps. It was an answer to prayers. When we decided to accept the job we prayed about it and immediately things started to fall into place, and the trials began. How are we going to do this? Are we going to live here in dreaded northern Utah? (I hate living in Utah......no offense to my friends and family who live here, I just HATE the weather with a passion) What are we going to do with the house? Should we start the kids in school and then pull them out halfway through? I promised my boss that I would give him 3 months for me to train someone to take over my job, but after this morning, I don't know how long I am going to last. My heart is empty. I feel like the biggest part of me is missing and it has only been about an hour since we said goodbye. I keep thinking that if I stay busy than I won't think about it much, but I don't want to go home. I don't want to walk into our house and have Michael not be there with me. I want to blink my eyes and have it be October so that we can be together as a family again. Anyone that REALLY knows me, knows of my love for Michael. We have been joined at he hip since we were married 11 years ago. We have had many struggles along the 11 years, but he is the most important person to me. I constantly think about him everyday and he is all that is good in my life. Oh, I know that we will talk all the time and we will see each other every couple of weeks, but it is not the same. I keep thinking that I have to be strong for the kids and find my inner independence that I know is in me.......I just don't want to HAVE to. I don't know what the future holds for us. We are just taking it one day at a time. I am going to be spending a lot of time on my knees. I am truly grateful that Michael was able to get a good job and that life can move on for us.

Well, that was my little rant/meltdown. I just want to keep everyone updated on what is happening in our little family. Thank you to our families who have given us support, love, and help. I am most likely going to need a lot of that for the next few months. ; )

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My Dad...

Growing up as a child was very happy for me. I had 2 wonderful parents that provided so much for me. I was pretty happy and well adjusted. The only thing that I wished for was that my Dad didn't work so much. I recognized this at a very young age and as the years passed I created my list of what I wanted in a husband and I wanted a husband that would provide for his family, but not a work-a-holic like my Dad.
Many thoughts have been flooding through my mind these days because my Dad is going through a most trying time in his life. He had a bowel obstruction and when they went in to fix it they perforated his bowel in 2 places and didn't catch it until he went into septic shock. He is fighting for his life. I went to see him at the hospital this past weekend and he is looking okay but he has a really long road to recovery. I had a chance to visit with him and he seems in good spirits despite the agonizing pain that he is in. That very same day my cute little brother decided to take us out on his boat for a day of fun. I felt really guilty as we were in the hospital room with my Dad and how he begged us to go boating and have lots of fun while he was stuck in that bed. He told us to go and have fun and report it all the next day when we came to visit. We went and had a tremendous amount of fun but not without some sadness, see, when I was a kid we had a boat and it was so fun for my Dad to take us out on that boat every Saturday during the summer. We had great traditions of pita sandwiches that we would eat for a picnic on the lake. We made sure that we followed the same traditions that we had when I was a kid and let me tell you the pita sandwiches and sour cream and onion pringles never tasted so good! I felt like a kid again.
I love my Dad. He has always been a beacon of light in my life because he has always been there to offer advice and support. He may have been working a lot, but I always knew that my Dad loved/loves me. : )
We came back to see him the next day which happened to be the day that I had to leave and come back to Mesquite, and shared our experience and pictures with him. He smiled from ear to ear because of the happy faces of my kids. He loves them very much. Of course I didn't bring my camera or cell phone to document the fun that was had, but my brother did and I will have to get a copy of those pictures from him to post on here.
I somehow feel that because of the hard work of my Dad, that somehow my life was a little slighted because of his absence in my life at times. In all of this struggle he has finally realized that family is super important and he has decided to retire, as well as my mom, and move here to Mesquite. I now will have the opportunity to enjoy him as much as I can and that we can make up for anytime lost. Please pray for my Dad that his recovery will be swift and that he can get back to his normal self. Thank you so much for reading, and please give your Dad's a big squeeze the next time you see them because life can be so short.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's Official!

Conner is officially potty trained! WAHOO! It was just so easy, a little too easy, I kept thinking that he is just one day going to give up and want to go back to diapers. I always call it official when the child goes to the bathroom by himself and does his business, all of his business, when he is in there.
Last night Conner pooped a little in his underwear and was freaking out, and then I had him go sit on the potty and he pooped some more and so I am calling him officially potty trained. He does not want us to help him, he just will go in the bathroom and go all by himself. We don't have to remind him and he sleeps all night with no accidents. What a relief! He made it before he turned 3. This has to be the fastest potty training that has ever occurred in our home. He decided that he wanted to wear underwear on Wednesday night and is completely done by Tuesday.
Thank heavens that we no longer have to deal with diapers!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Potty Training

I am going to shock you with doing 2 posts in the same week!! How great is that, I am even amazed myself.
Little Conner said to me last night after his bath that he didn't want to wear a diaper anymore, he wanted to wear underwear like Kiler....his cousin 4 months older than him who has been potty trained for quite some time now........I was amazed and shocked! The last time that we tried to put underwear on him he threw the biggest fit and kept trying to rip them off his body. So I thought that I would humor him and see if he really meant what he said. I put underwear on him and he went in the potty twice last night.....he slept in his underwear all night long and woke up dry.... and went in the potty this morning....had one accident before we took him over to grandmas, but what can I expect, he can't be perfect coming straight out of the gate....he went potty at grandmas before I left to go to work and no word yet on how he is doing. I am really kind of nervous to call and find out. We left Grandma with 3 outfits to change into and 5 pairs of underwear and 1 diaper. Keep your fingers crossed that all this will work out. We are just about out of diapers and I don't want to have to buy more! Wouldn't it just be so nice if he would be potty trained before his 3rd birthday, which is in 17 days???!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I'm Tired.......

I am so tired these days. Work is so busy and life is just handing us way too much for the moment. I don't have any pictures to post because it takes time to take pictures and as sad as it is to say.......I don't have to time to take pictures. We have done a lot since the last time I posted, but of course we would have done a lot because I haven't posted since August of last year. Wow, can you say slacker??

After blogstalking all of my friends for months now, I had an epiphany today when I was looking at all these blogs and one of my friends has not updated in like a year and it frustrated me.......then I realized I am as much at fault with my own blog. How sad is that?! Well it prompted me to write something, so that's good. Update on our little family:

Caitlin is as much of a teenager as ever.....the rolling of the eyes and the deep disgust in her voice when she is told to do something that she doesn't want to do.......attitude all over the place. I love her dearly, because when she is not in a mood swing and her life is going like she wants it to she is just the sweetest thing. She wrote a little note on a post it last night and left it on our dresser and it said, "Mom and Dad I love you so much and I want to do something nice for you, Love Caitlin" to which I replied thank you very much could you please fold the laundry that is on my bed? I got a good roll of the eyes and a bright smile all at the same time. She is so much like me and I just adore her!

Collin has glasses now and I need to take a picture and post it on here so you can all see how different he looks. It is taking me some time to get used to it. It really changes his face and I'm not sure that I like it....but I tell him how dashing he looks with his glasses. I think that we need to try a few other types of frames with him to find the best one for the shape of his face and head. I just went for the cheapest at that moment that we got them.

Corbin is still a huge handful but we are cracking down on him and not letting him get away with so much anymore. It has been really hard on me to discipline him because I am such a softy with him......I don't quite know why.........it could be that he is the middle child and I don't want him to feel left out all the time. Crazy, I know. He is doing great in preschool and I think that kindergarten might be an easy transition. I am so glad we put him in preschool this year to get him ready for this fall.

Conner rules our lives. What a fiery red head that one is!!! He is so full of life and he is driving Corbin crazy with following him around all the time. Corbin will scream at him to stop it and I just let him know that was how Collin felt at this age with you. It's funny to see these little boys interact with each other. They have such a strength with each other and they are all such good friends. Poor Caitlin.......all these boys and then her.........

I am doing okay these days. Not great, but okay. I miss all of my friends and going to the park during the day and riding my bike to school with the kids and just being Mom. I miss it, but I am also very grateful that I have a job and that we have some income coming in and that we have medical and dental insurance. I am hanging in there. I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for me and this little family. He provided a job for me because he knew that times were about to get worse............Michael lost his job yesterday. I don't know what we are going to do. He is looking for work anywhere so if you hear of any jobs available please let me know. We are putting our lives in Heavenly Father's care and I am trying not to be scared but I just can't help it. Please if you hear of any construction opportunity let us know. If anyone needs some home improvements Michael is really fantastic at handy man work. He can just about do anything. I know that tax returns are in for lots of people so if you want concrete done at your house, or whatever, Michael is your man!! : ) We are willing to go to wherever there is a job. Thank you to everyone who has been there for us. We appreciate it. We love you all very much. The next time I update, I hope that I will have more happy news.